While Britain has been going through a period of great turmoil and uncertainty as it prepares to leave the EU, Velocitii has been quietly working on a different kind of exit.
How Government is Using Big Data for Positive Change
Data has so much potential to bring about change but, like anything with enormous power, it is open to abuse. However working within and around government, we regularly see the other side of the story: data being used for the good of the people.
An agile approach to a career in the public sector
Agile methodology has had a huge impact on how we work in the public sector, but it’s also had a big impact on me personally. In this blog I want to share what I’ve learned from agile throughout my career.
The Disaggregation of the Workplace: How Flexible Working is Transforming the Way We Work
The standard 9-5, five days a week, is no longer fit for purpose. We explore how flexible working has the potential to disrupt the modern workplace, leading to benefits for employees, employers and clients alike.
The Velocitii Digital Story
During my time in government I’ve learned that through specialism, quality of service and a flexible approach it is possible to provide a service that outstrips the competition, whatever their size.