Velocitii Innovation announces the launch of our first digital product, the Byke Parking smartphone app.
Digital tools to help you adapt to new ways of working
We’ve all been working remotely for nearly a year now, but for many of us the struggle to adapt has been an uphill one. Has there ever been a greater hunger for digital tools and apps that will make our working day more productive, efficient and easier?
Adapting, Learning, Collaborating: Looking Back at Velocitii’s Second Year
When you look back on 2020, will it be a year you want to forget or a year that marked a key turning point? We reflect on this challenging year and choose some of our highlights.
Hello from Jana, Head of Velocitii Innovation
In her first video message for us, find out what inspired entrepreneur Jana Dowling to join Velocitii as Head of Innovation earlier this year, how she’s getting on in her new role, and what she’s been busy working on.
TUPE Top Tips #4: Commercial Considerations
In this blog post I’m going to share some essential commercial points that will help lead to the success of not just your TUPE transfer, but also the wider contract and commercial relationships.
The Disaggregation of the Workplace: How Flexible Working is Transforming the Way We Work
The standard 9-5, five days a week, is no longer fit for purpose. We explore how flexible working has the potential to disrupt the modern workplace, leading to benefits for employees, employers and clients alike.